Substitute Staffing Support
As a school administrator, you are juggling dozens of responsibilities and need to take advantage of support where possible. Does it make sense to outsource your substitute teacher staffing to a professional agency? A first-rate educational staffing agency can provide you with the peace of mind of knowing you will always have qualified substitute teachers to cover your staff absences. A quality professional agency will offer ongoing education and support to the substitutes they place, continually check in with school leaders to ensure placements are going smoothly, and provide access to an efficient customer experience team.
If you've never worked with an education-specific staffing agency, here are some critical things to seek out:
Research their experience, reputation, and quality of subs.
Find out their fill rate—this speaks to how proactive they are in connecting schools and subs.
Determine if they are a good cultural fit for your school.
Establish their support availability—Can they efficiently troubleshoot when something goes wrong?
Do they provide support and mentorship to their subs?
Is their service flexible and customizable?
Do they have a streamlined system that enables hassle-free staffing (i.e., a user-friendly online platform)?
Schools should look to avoid a staffing agency that places their people in a school and leaves them to fend for themselves. At the end of the day, this creates more work and added stress to your plate.
Fewer Worries ... More Success
Working with a staffing agency should not feel like a risk to a school and its students but rather an investment in the school's future. In our new ebook, The Power of Quality Substitutes: How Hiring and Maintaining the Best Substitutes Can Improve Your School, we dive into tactics and solutions you can use to make hiring and managing substitutes one less thing you have to worry about.
Download to learn more!