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Sub Teacher Spotlight June 2022 | Sub Teacher Source

Written by STS Staff | June 02, 2022

Sub Spotlight NJ June 2022

Our Substitute Spotlight teacher In New Jersey for the month of June is Quan Graham!


Quan Graham has been selected for the Sub Spotlight Teacher in New Jersey for the month of June! He has been passionate about getting in the classroom since day one, and since he started subbing he has worked consistently and has been going above and beyond for our schools, teachers, and students! Here is what Quan had to say about his substitute teaching experience with Sub Teacher Source...

1. What made you want to be a substitute teacher? 

The thing that had made me want to be a substitute teacher was realizing how much change I could help foster in the world through working with the youth.

2. What is your favorite thing about being a substitute teacher? 

My favorite thing about being a substitute teacher is the spontaneity you get from each day; one day you’re a gym teacher, the next you're teaching math.

3. When you are not substitute teaching, what do you like to do in your spare time? 

When I’m not substitute teaching, I like to skateboard, be with family and write music.

4. Why do you feel that is it so important to have good substitute teachers? 

It’s important to have good substitute teachers because teachers deserve to have people that they can trust in conducting the classroom in an orderly fashion while absent.