Sub Teacher Source sent representatives to attend the South Carolina Alliance of Black School Educators (SCABSE) Winter Conference! We had a table set up, and loved being able to have educators stop by and see us. We were able to answer questions for school leaders along with explain how we have been able to support South Carolina Schools and Teachers.

For more information about SCABSE, be sure to check out their website:
What is SCABSE?
The South Carolina Alliance of Black School Educators has the following mission statement on their website:
SCABSE supports the philosophy that is espoused by the National Alliance of Black School Educators (NABSE). NABSE affirms the inherent worth, dignity and educability of black people. NABSE challenges forces which obstruct the achievement, development, and educational opportunities of youth and adults. Black children throughout the United States encounter problems that are directly related to their minority group status. It is the mission of NABSE to enhance and facilitate their education.